Jay Kim

Building a Dockerized CLI That Can Write Files Locally

If the toolchain you are using makes it difficult to ship a CLI as a single executable binary, it can be useful to ship a docker image instead. You can create a script that runs the docker image and it can masquerade as the actual CLI. However, if your CLI outputs files, you will need a way of making sure the files are outputted to the host rather than inside the docker container, and preferably with the same user and group permissions as the shell running the CLI.

By default, docker will execute everything as the root user so your CLI may be outputting files that only the root user has access to. To fix this, there is quite a bit of set up you need to do.

When building a docker image, you can pass the current GID and UID as arguments to the build command:

docker build -t my-cli --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g) .

In your Dockerfile, you should create a new user and group using these IDs:

RUN groupadd --force --gid $GID dockeruser
RUN useradd --create-home --home-dir /home/dockeruser --shell /bin/bash --uid $UID --gid $GID dockeruser

The --force in groupadd ensures the command does not fail if the group already exists. This can be possible since your docker image's /etc/group may come with pre-defined groups that overlap with the given group.

The --home-dir flag for useradd is important. Without it, --create-home will automatically create the home dir at /home/dockeruser, but depending on where you run the script, the UID that is passed can be a system user instead of normal user so useradd may not create the home directory. So it's better to just specify the directory explicitly to cover your bases.

Now that we've created this new user, we can now switch to this user in your Dockerfile by using the USER command:

USER dockeruser
RUN whoami
# Outputs dockeruser

Gotchas when writing to WORKDIR

By default, WORKDIR will create directories as the root user if the given directory does not exist. This is problematic if the commands you plan to run as dockeruser writes files to the current WORKDIR. To mitigate any permission issues, you can run chown directly after you run WORKDIR:

WORKDIR /opt/dockeruser
RUN chown dockeruser:dockeruser $(pwd)

Gotchas when running COPY

When copying the CLI source locally to the docker image so that the CLI can be built from the docker image, we want to make sure the copied files are owned by dockeruser. By default, the COPY command copies everything as root, even if you've added USER dockeruser beforehand. So you have to use the --chown flag:

COPY --chown=dockeruser ./package.json ./

Installing Global NPM Packages

Now that we've created a homedir in /home/dockeruser, it becomes easier to install global npm packages. If we tried installing a global npm package without a homedir that dockeruser can write to, you would run into all sorts of permission and path issues.

Set the NPM prefix which is the path NPM will use to download and save global packages:

ENV NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=/home/docker_user/.npm-global

Set the PATH to make sure any global binaries you may have installed can be called from subsequent RUN commands:

ENV PATH=$PATH:/home/dockeruser/.npm-global/bin

Global npm installations should now work as expected:

RUN npm --global install pnpm

Running the Docker Image

When running the CLI from the docker image, you can create a directory for yourself like /opt/pwd and then set the entrypoint to the CLI:

WORKDIR /opt/pwd
ENTRYPOINT ["my-cli"]

ENTRYPOINT is used to make the docker image behave more like an executable. It comes with advantages over using RUN such as proper handling of unix signals between the CLI and host.

One random gotcha that I've wasted hours on: the command my-cli in the ENTRYPOINT expression cannot be surrounded by single quotes otherwise docker will interpret the entire array expression as a single shell command and you will get an error like:

['my-cli']: command not found

It is things like this that makes me question my career choices.

When running the docker image, you can mount the current local directory of where you are running the docker image to /opt/pwd so that if your CLI outputs any files, it outputs it to the local current working directory instead of inside the docker container.

docker run -v $PWD:/opt/pwd my-cli $@

The $@ expression ensures all arguments of this script are forwarded to the command you defined in ENTRYPOINT. You can have this docker run command in a file called my-cli and chmod it and the user running this script doesn't even have to know that they are running a docker container.


Putting it all together, your Dockerfile may look like this:

FROM alpine:latest

RUN groupadd --force --gid $GID dockeruser
RUN useradd --create-home --home-dir /home/dockeruser --shell /bin/bash --uid $UID --gid $GID dockeruser

WORKDIR /opt/dockeruser
RUN chown dockeruser:dockeruser $(pwd)

USER dockeruser

COPY --chown=dockeruser package*json .
COPY --chown=dockeruser tsconfig.json .
COPY --chown=dockeruser src/ src/

RUN npm install --frozen-lockfile
RUN npm build

ENV NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=/home/dockeruser/.npm-global
RUN npm link --global

WORKDIR /opt/pwd
ENTRYPOINT ["my-cli"]

And your dockerized CLI may look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu

docker build -t my-cli --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g) .
docker run --rm --network host -v $PWD/opt/pwd my-cli $@

Working with docker is painful and the only way I have found to master it is to accumulate battle scars and document the lessons for my future self.