Jay Kim


Hi, I'm Jay Kim. I'm a software developer based in Seattle, WA, USA with a passion for web development and developer tools. I'm currently a software engineer at Metronome and was previously a long-time engineer at Pinterest. My resume is available to download.

You can find me on Twitter where I tweet shower thoughts about software development among other random things.

I enjoy taking photos when I travel. I shoot with a mirrorless camera but I've recently gotten into film photography. I enjoy shooting with a Nikon F3HP because of its bright and immersive viewfinder. My favourite vocal length is 50mm on full frame.

I'm a fan of competitive esports games - especially "boomer shooters" and tactical FPSs. I grew up hanging out in Ventrilo servers and playing CS 1.6 scrims in Hong Kong's tiny english speaking competitive gaming community and playing instagib on Quake 3 Arena since that was the only game mode I could play with horrendous ping on Tokyo servers. Nowadays I play and watch competitive esports titles such as Quake Champions (peak 1300-1400 SR) and Valorant (peak Immortal 2).

I'm an avid fan of 90s era sci-fi anime such as Ghost in the Shell (1995), Cowboy Bebop (1997), and Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995).

Since childhood, I've had a non-curable chronic auto-inflammatory skin disorder called hidradenitis suppurativa. It is a disease that is misunderstood by most medical professionals because it is severely under-researched and underfunded given its high disease burden relative to other skin ailments such as psoriasis or atopic dermatitis.

About This Site

This is a place for me to post long-form shower thoughts that I can't fit in a tweet, write down advice that I find myself repeating to coworkers, and record learnings so that I don't forget about them.

The site is statically generated using Next.js. The blog posts are written in Markdown and rendered using unified plugins. The site is deployed using Vercel on its global edge network.